Now I have seen tons of movies that thrive on the stupidty that makes them, and I have laughed everytime....except now. Now before anyone says I havent a sense of humor I would just like to point out that there are few others in the world with one higher then mine. When this movie began I was ready to laugh, I have seen a video or two of these types in the past and got ready to enjoy a few moments of life...only to have them go wrong. At the beginning I laughed merely out of my willingness to laugh...then as I watched I realized that all of the spelling and grammar mistakes along with the really REALLY annoying voice made this too much to handle. Like several movies, this one is fueled with random stupidity....but not the good kind. After about a forth of this movie I was tempted to click out, since I hate it when people complain about movies then never finish watching it, I held through the pain and watched. Seriously man, I dont see how this made the front page. I dont mean to be a total asshole or anything it's just that this movie doesnt stand up to the quality I expected. Graphics sound and grammer don't make a movie although they help, the content does. However this movies content wasent enough to make up for any of it, I know the poor quality in sound and everything was supposed to funny, but in truth it only hurt my opinion of this flash. Perhaps in the future maby tone the whole "Crappyness joke" down a few levels because it's unbearable.'
Goodluck in the future and grats on front page.